I'm currently using tikzpicture and pgfplots to plot this polar function:


    \addplot[red,domain=0:360,samples=360,smooth] (x,{sqrt(4/(cos(4*x)+3))});


However, this plots it on a polar axis, which doesn't really make sense in context. (It's defined implicitly as x4 + y4 = x2 + y2 and I'm just using polar coordinates to easily plot it.)

How can I get the same nice graph with the correct Cartesian grid, as Wolfram|Alpha displays it?

I considered \begin{polaraxis}[hide axis] and an additional \begin{axis} but that seems like it would require manual alignment, etc.

Is there a clean way to do this?

  • Can you provide a minimum working example please? Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 6:28
  • @NictraSavios done.
    – wchargin
    Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 17:04
  • @WChargin: Christian's answer is much better, it would be best if you could accept that instead of mine, so I can delete mine.
    – Jake
    Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 21:35
  • @Jake You're right that in this case it's nice to have a dedicated option. However, I appreciate that you can do arbitrary transforms, so it might be good to keep your answer too.
    – wchargin
    Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 23:26

2 Answers 2


You can tell pgfplots that the input is actually given in polar coordinates using data cs=polar. Pgfplots will automatically transform it to the output coordinate system:


    axis lines=center,
    axis equal image,
    \addplot[data cs=polar,red,domain=0:360,samples=360,smooth] (x,{sqrt(4/(cos(4*x)+3))});


enter image description here

This key can also be used to provide cartesian coordinates in polar axis or other variations.


You can transform the polar coordinates to cartesian using an x filter and a y filter. If you wrap those in a style like this:

    interpret as polar/.style={
            x filter/.code=\pgfmathparse{cos(rawx)*rawy},
            y filter/.code=\pgfmathparse{sin(rawx)*rawy}

you can just add interpret as polar to your \addplot options:


    interpret as polar/.style={
            x filter/.code=\pgfmathparse{cos(rawx)*rawy},
            y filter/.code=\pgfmathparse{sin(rawx)*rawy}

            axis lines=center,
            axis equal image,
            red, thick,
            interpret as polar
        ] (x,{sqrt(4/(cos(4*x)+3))});

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