Just to get things going...
\tikzset{gift box/.cd,
x/.store in=\gbx,
y/.store in=\gby,
z/.store in=\gbz,
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{gift box}{%
\tikzset{gift box/.cd, #1}%
\tikzset{wrapping paper/.style={
bottom color=red!75!black, top color=red!50!black,
bottom color=yellow!75!orange, top color=yellow!50!orange,
left color=black, right color=white, opacity=0.25
line width=#1,
line cap=round
line width=#1,
line cap=round,
line join=round
\foreach \l in {1,...,20}
\path [lowlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [wrapping paper]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\foreach \n/\o in {.25/1, .33/.5}
\path [ribbon, opacity=\o]
(gift box cs:x=1, y=-\n, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=-\n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y= \n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y= \n, z=-1)
-- cycle
(gift box cs:x=-\n, y=1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-\n, y=1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= \n, y=1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= \n, y=1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=1,y=-1,z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1,y=-1,z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=-1,y=1,z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1,y=1,z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [clip]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z= 1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z= 1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z= 1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\foreach \l in {1,...,10}{
\path [lowlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1)
(gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z= 1);
\path [lowlight=\l/2]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=1);
\path [wrapping paper]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- cycle;
\foreach \n/\o in {.33/.5, .25/1}{
\path [ribbon, opacity=\o]
(gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-\n, z=0.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-\n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-\n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= \n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= \n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= \n, z=.5)
-- cycle;
\path [ribbon, opacity=\o]
(gift box cs:y= 1.05, x=-\n, z=0.5)
-- (gift box cs:y= 1.05, x=-\n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:y=-1.05, x=-\n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:y=-1.05, x= \n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:y= 1.05, x= \n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:y= 1.05, x= \n, z=.5)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=1.05, z=0.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=1.05, z=0.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=1.05, z=1)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1.05, y=-1.05, z=0.5)
-- (gift box cs:x=1.05, y= 1.05, z=0.5)
-- (gift box cs:x=1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- cycle;
\path [clip]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- cycle;
\foreach \l in {1,...,10}{
\path [highlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- cycle
(gift box cs:x=1.05, y=1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1.05, y=1.05, z=0.5);
\path [lowlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=1);
And, with surprisingly little extra work:
Unfortunately, this gift box is empty. Sad faces all round.
(Unless it contains something small that cannot yet be seen).
The (rather pleasing) "texture" that the wrapping seems to have is a result of reducing the size and optimizing the color space of the gif
for uploading.
The code (which takes some time to compile) is shown below. The resulting pdf
is then processed with gimp
to produce the image above:
\tikzset{gift box/.cd,
x/.store in=\gbx,
y/.store in=\gby,
z/.store in=\gbz,
rotate around z axis/.store in=\gbzaxisrotate,
rotate around z axis=0
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{gift box}{%
\tikzset{gift box/.cd, #1}%
\tikzset{wrapping paper/.style={
bottom color=red!75!black, top color=red!50!black,
bottom color=yellow!75!orange, top color=yellow!50!orange,
left color=black, right color=white, opacity=0.25
sheen inside/.style={
left color=black, right color=black!50, opacity=0.25
line width=#1,
line cap=round
line width=#1,
line cap=round,
line join=round
\foreach \i [evaluate={\zangle=-45+mod(\i,18)*5; \lidz=1.25+min(\i,18)*.1;}] in {0,...,35}{
\begin{tikzpicture}[gift box/rotate around z axis=\zangle]
\useasboundingbox [gift box/rotate around z axis=0]
(gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=3)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y=-1, z=3)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=3)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\foreach \l in {1,...,20}
\path [lowlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [wrapping paper]
(gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen inside]
(gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen inside]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [clip]
(gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\foreach \l in {1,...,20}
\path [lowlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1);
\path [wrapping paper]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\foreach \n/\o in {.25/1, .33/.5}
\path [ribbon, opacity=\o]
(gift box cs:x=1, y=-\n, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=-\n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y= \n, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y= \n, z=-1)
-- cycle
(gift box cs:x=-\n, y=1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-\n, y=1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= \n, y=1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= \n, y=1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=-1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=-1,y=1,z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1,y=1,z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z=-1)
-- cycle;
\path [clip]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z= 1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z= 1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z= 1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- cycle;
\foreach \l in {1,...,10}{
\path [lowlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1)
(gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z=-1)
-- (gift box cs:x=1, y=1,z= 1);
\path [highlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x=-1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y= 1, z=1)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1, y=-1, z=1);
\path [lowlight=\l/2]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz-.5);
\path [wrapping paper]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- cycle;
\foreach \n/\o in {.33/.5, .25/1}{
\path [ribbon, opacity=\o]
(gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-\n, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-\n, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-\n, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= \n, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= \n, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= \n, z=\lidz-.5)
-- cycle;
\path [ribbon, opacity=\o]
(gift box cs:y= 1.05, x=-\n, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:y= 1.05, x=-\n, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:y=-1.05, x=-\n, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:y=-1.05, x= \n, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:y= 1.05, x= \n, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:y= 1.05, x= \n, z=\lidz-.5)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=1.05, z=\lidz)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x=1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x=1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz)
-- cycle;
\path [sheen]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- cycle;
\path [clip]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- cycle;
\foreach \l in {1,...,10}{
\path [highlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz)
-- cycle
(gift box cs:x=1.05, y=1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=1.05, y=1.05, z=\lidz-.5);
\path [lowlight=\l/3]
(gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y= 1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.05, y=-1.05, z=\lidz);
\path [fill=white,opacity=(\i-17)/7]
(gift box cs:x=-1.1, y=-1.1, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.1, y= 1.1, z=\lidz)
-- (gift box cs:x=-1.1, y= 1.1, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.1, y= 1.1, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.1, y=-1.1, z=\lidz-.5)
-- (gift box cs:x= 1.1, y=-1.1, z=\lidz)
-- cycle;