I hope, I got your explanation right.
Using a specific \tikzmark
and the calligraphy
TikZ library by Andrew Stacey you can achieve the following output. You will need to rerun latex
several times to get the positioning right.
\newcommand\tikzmark[2]{\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base)]{\node[inner sep=0pt] (#1) {#2};}}
c11 & c12 & c13 & c14 & c15 & c16 & c17 & (c18 & c19) \\
c12 & c22 & c23 & c24 & \tikzmark{c25}{$c25$} & \tikzmark{c26}{$c26$} & c27 & c28 & c29 \\
c13 & c32 & c33 & c34 & \tikzmark{c35}{$c35$} & \tikzmark{c36}{$c36$} & c37 & c38 & c39 \\
(c14 & c42 & c43) & c44 & c45 & c46 & c47 & c48 & c49 \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[thick,decorate,decoration={calligraphic straight parenthesis}] (c35.south west) -- (c25.north west);
\draw[thick,decorate,decoration={calligraphic straight parenthesis}] (c26.north east) -- (c36.south east);
Using the calc
library you can compensate the bad spacing for the TikZ braces by adding an offset of .2em
as in
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[thick,decorate,decoration={calligraphic straight parenthesis}] ($(c35.south west)+(-.2em,0)$) -- ($(c25.north west)+(-.2em,0)$);
\draw[thick,decorate,decoration={calligraphic straight parenthesis}] ($(c26.north east)+(.2em,0)$) -- ($(c36.south east)+(.2em,0)$);
which produces
On behalf of Christopher Creutzig's comment, here another solution (still using tikzmark
) which doesn't involve typing parentheses inside the matrix.
\newcommand\tikzmark[2]{\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base)]{\node[inner sep=0pt] (#1) {#2};}}
c11 & c12 & c13 & c14 & c15 & c16 & c17 & \tikzmark{c18}{$c18$} & \tikzmark{c19}{$c19$} \\
c12 & c22 & c23 & c24 & \tikzmark{c25}{$c25$} & \tikzmark{c26}{$c26$} & c27 & c28 & c29 \\
c13 & c32 & c33 & c34 & \tikzmark{c35}{$c35$} & \tikzmark{c36}{$c36$} & c37 & c38 & c39 \\
\tikzmark{c14}{$c14$} & c42 & \tikzmark{c43}{$c43$} & c44 & c45 & c46 & c47 & c48 & c49 \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[thick,decorate,decoration={calligraphic straight parenthesis}] ($(c35.south west)+(-.2em,0)$) -- ($(c25.north west)+(-.2em,0)$);
\draw[thick,decorate,decoration={calligraphic straight parenthesis}] ($(c26.north east)+(.2em,0)$) -- ($(c36.south east)+(.2em,0)$);
\node[left=.2em] at (c14) {$($};
\node[left=.2em] at (c18) {$($};
\node[right=.2em] at (c19) {$)$};
\node[right=.2em] at (c43) {$)$};