I understand one can easily change the background color for text portion easily, but I would like to do the same for an entire portion of the page. How does one change background color for only a section of the page?

  • Welcome to TeX.SX! You can have a look at our starter guide to familiarize yourself further with our format. Commented Dec 31, 2013 at 8:43
  • 3
    Do the answers in Setting background colour for part of a page help? Commented Dec 31, 2013 at 8:48
  • 1
    Depending on how you wanted to use it, the different colored portion of the page might be done with a colorbox'ed minipage. It would help if your question showed an example of what you are trying to achieve, and what you've attempted so far. Commented Jan 8, 2014 at 14:18
  • 1
    please see the answer below if it suits the requirement -- adapted from my answer here -- tex.stackexchange.com/a/527919/197451
    – js bibra
    Commented Feb 27, 2021 at 1:21

4 Answers 4


enter image description here

\pagestyle{empty} % Suppress page numbers
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \path (current page.north west) 
            below right,
            minimum width=\paperwidth,
            minimum height=3cm
    \path (current page.south west) 
            above right,
            minimum width=\paperwidth,
            minimum height=3cm
    \path ($(current page.west)+(1cm,0)$) 
            %above right,
            %minimum width=\paperwidth,
            minimum height=1cm
    \path ($(box2)+(1cm,0)$) 
            %above right,
            %minimum width=\paperwidth, 
            minimum height=1cm

%\path (box.west) node[right=5mm,align=left] %<distance can be changed to suit
%{{\fontsize{45pt}{65pt}\color{white}\textbf{JS Bibra}}\\[2mm]
%{\fontsize{30pt}{20pt}\color{cyan}Advisor to TEX}\\[2mm]
%{\fontsize{10pt}{10pt}\color{white}\LaTeX\ development}};


The following example uses this approach:

  • Mark or save the top and bottom positions of the band you want to highlight using zref's savepos module (via \zsaveposy{<label>});

  • Insert content into the BackGround of the current page only using eso-pic's \AddToShipoutPictureBG*;

  • That content is a rectangle based on \rule[<raise>]{<width>}{<height>}.

enter image description here





\AddToShipoutPictureBG*{% Add the following in the background of the current page only
  \AtPageLowerLeft{% Starting from the lower left corner of the page
    \color{blue!30!white}% Colour content this colour
    \rule% Insert a rule (technically a filled rectangle)...
      [\dimexpr\zposy{bottom}sp-.3\baselineskip]% ...raised to the "bottom" marker
      {\paperwidth}% ...stretching across the entire page
      {\dimexpr\zposy{top}sp-\zposy{bottom}sp}% ...with height "top"-"bottom"



Since \zsaveposy uses the \label-\ref system, you'll have to compile at least twice with every change in the vertical position of top and/or bottom.

You can automate the process into an environment colourband:

enter image description here



%\usepackage{xparse}% Only if you're running LaTeX older than 2020-10
  \stepcounter{colourband}% New band
  \leavevmode\zsaveposy{top-\thecolourband}% Start new paragraph and save y-position of top
  \zsaveposy{bottom-\thecolourband}% Save y-position of bottom
  % Add colour band to BackGround of current page only
    \noexpand\AtPageLowerLeft{% Starting from the lower left corner of the page
      \noexpand\color{#1}% Colour content this colour
      \noexpand\rule% Insert a rule (technically a filled rectangle)...
        [\dimexpr\zposy{bottom-\thecolourband}sp-.3\baselineskip]% ...raised to the "bottom" marker
        {\paperwidth}% ...stretching across the entire page
        {\dimexpr\zposy{top-\thecolourband}sp-\zposy{bottom-\thecolourband}sp+\baselineskip}% ...with height "top"-"bottom"






If the colored background is related with a particular text, you can use a tcolorbox for this.

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}


    size=minimal, left=\oddsidemargin+1in,right=\oddsidemargin+1in, spread sidewards, 
    parbox=false, before upper=\indent, after=\par, #1}




enter image description here

But if it's just a frame on any position you can use eso-pic package:






enter image description here


You can change the background color of a page using the \pagecolor{color name} command. The code to change the color of background is given below:

\usepackage{xcolor, soul}  
\fcolorbox{red}{white}{The text is the simple \LaTeX\ text}\\ \\  
\fcolorbox{blue}{cyan}{text is here}  

If you want to revert back to original pagecolor, Just add this command


Page Color Chnaged

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