General understanding
I know that several people have asked about how to include plots and graphics (created by tikz and pstricks) into a latex document.
- What is the best way to include Matlab graphics?
- Including pictures in subdirectories with standalone package
- Is EPS or PDF the preferred figure format when typesetting in LaTeX?
- How can I use TikZ to make standalone (SVG) graphics?
Now it seems evident to ask how to handle a big number of figures. At first it seems crucial to pre-compile graphics that should enter the document to reduce the final document's compilation time.
But there are many different ways to perform that issue and actually the package standalone
seems the most auspicious.
By trying it, I recognized that all standalone
tex-files have to be in the same folder to be compiled if changes were performed. Otherwise it would result in errors (Including pictures in subdirectories with standalone package).
How do I now include graphics like the following MWE (adapted from matlab2tikz
for including my macros), in order to have the same common formatting (e.g. font size and shape) for all text in my document including the figure labels?
% File Style/macros.tex
% File Documents/test_standalone_slave.tex
\draw (0,0) circle (2);
This is my MWE!
or write a document-specific package?documentclass
command, and you would need different document classes for the graphics (standalone
) and for the master (article
, etc.). If not, you could make a preamble file with the document class and the appropriate packages to be loaded by both the master document and the graphics documents. You would still have to recompile everything if you made any changes to the preamble definitions, though. Alas, I don't know how to externally specify the font size.fontenc
) into such a preamble filepreamble_file.tex