I'm trying to make myself a beamer template with modified bullets for enumerate and itemize. I have a pdf image of the bullet point that I would like to use. I already have a working solution for itemize, but using the same approach
\newcommand{\bpebble}[0]{\includegraphics[height=1.3 ex]{./k_bluepebble.pdf}}
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}{\bpebble}
the numbering vanishes making the enumerate and itemize environments essentially indistinguishable. I've seen a near-satisfactory solution Use ball items in enumerate list with enumitem package in that it modifies the item in front of each enumerate list entry and superimposes a number on top of it, however this uses pgfplots and not an inserted pdf figure.
So, I'm seeking a way to include a pdf graphic into the list bullets and lay a number on top of it.
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}{\bpebble\hspace*{-1ex}\theenumi}