The following code produces an error:



Next text\footnotemark.
\footnotetext{bar} <= there is a space here, before the colon. It shouldn't be there!

Including this in the preamble after the newpxtext package solves it.


This solves it too:


However, both solutions do not incorporate the newpx superscript fonts.

Does anybody know why this happens? I like the newpx packages, but the footnote superscripts get borked by it. Am I doing something wrong? Are there newer Palatino font packages that include the improved scaling, metrics, etc. the newpx packages have that the pxfonts package does not?

  • 1
    You should report this problem to the package author. He's very prompt in fixing bugs.
    – egreg
    Commented Jan 10, 2014 at 0:44

2 Answers 2


In version 1.08 of newpxtext (newpxtext.sty 2014/01/09 v1.08) the issue has been removed.

Note that the bug has been corrected also in newtxtext (newtxtext.sty 2014/01/09 v1.19).


There is a missing % in the package definition


\ifzpl@defaultsups %
        \hbox{\sustyle\hspace*{.04em}\@thefnmark}%%%%%%%%%% missing

Next text\footnotemark.
\footnotetext{bar} <= there is a space here, before the colon. It shouldn't be there!

Or update your distribution, then you'll get a fixed newpxtext and newtxtext package.

  • Beat me by one minute. ;-) There are several useless %, but not the important one.
    – egreg
    Commented Jan 8, 2014 at 12:46

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