This is a continuation of the topic Displaying a Numbered Questions and Answer.

I continue to give color to the background, then putting questions and answers in the boxes using mdframed package.

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=lime!20}


    linecolor       = blue!30,
    outerlinewidth      = 2pt,
    roundcorner     = 10pt,
    leftmargin      = 10pt,
    rightmargin     = 80pt,
    innertopmargin      = \baselineskip,
    innerbottommargin   = \baselineskip,
    innerrightmargin    = 20pt,
    innerleftmargin     = 20pt,
    backgroundcolor     = red!20!white

    linecolor       = red!30,
    outerlinewidth      = 2pt,
    roundcorner     = 10pt,
    leftmargin      = 80pt,
    rightmargin     = 10pt,
    innertopmargin      = \baselineskip,
    innerbottommargin   = \baselineskip,
    innerrightmargin    = 20pt,
    innerleftmargin     = 20pt,
    backgroundcolor     = blue!20!white


        {\color{blue}\transparent{0.3}\Huge Q{\huge\thenum}} --- #1}

            \textbf{#1} #2  --- {\Huge\color{blue}\transparent{0.3} A}


    \inserttitle{\huge\color{blue} Questions and Answer}

    \insertauthor{\Large\color{blue} Edy Wihardjo}



\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=green!20}

    \Que{What is \LaTeX{}?}
    \Ans{\LaTeX{} is a document preparation system and document markup language!}

    \Que{Why I should use \LaTeX?}
    \Ans{\LaTeX{} provides very high quality. \LaTeX{} is free and Open Source!}


First Problem

How to set the title to be in the middle of the page?

I've added a command:


but does not work.

Second Problem


Before displaying the answer, there is an empty text box.


  • Which title are you referring about in the first question? Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 15:57
  • I mean, title and author on the title page. I can't put it in the middle vertically.
    – Edy Jo
    Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 16:15

3 Answers 3


For the first problem, I redefined the title page template, to have only title and author. For the second problem. you can use \only instead of \pause:

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=lime!20}


    linecolor       = blue!30,
    outerlinewidth      = 2pt,
    roundcorner     = 10pt,
    leftmargin      = 10pt,
    rightmargin     = 80pt,
    innertopmargin      = \baselineskip,
    innerbottommargin   = \baselineskip,
    innerrightmargin    = 20pt,
    innerleftmargin     = 20pt,
    backgroundcolor     = red!20!white

    linecolor       = red!30,
    outerlinewidth      = 2pt,
    roundcorner     = 10pt,
    leftmargin      = 80pt,
    rightmargin     = 10pt,
    innertopmargin      = \baselineskip,
    innerbottommargin   = \baselineskip,
    innerrightmargin    = 20pt,
    innerleftmargin     = 20pt,
    backgroundcolor     = blue!20!white


        {\color{blue}\transparent{0.3}\Huge Q{\huge\thenum}} --- #1}

            \textbf{#1} #2  --- {\Huge\color{blue}\transparent{0.3} A}


\defbeamertemplate*{title page}{cendefault}[1][]
%    \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=8pt,center,#1]{institute}
%      \usebeamerfont{institute}\insertinstitute
%    \end{beamercolorbox}
%    \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=8pt,center,#1]{date}
%      \usebeamerfont{date}\insertdate
%    \end{beamercolorbox}\vskip0.5em
%    {\usebeamercolor[fg]{titlegraphic}\inserttitlegraphic\par}

\setbeamertemplate{title page}[cendefault][center]

\title{The title}
\author{The Author}



\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=green!20}

    \Que{What is \LaTeX{}?}
    \only<2>{\Ans{\LaTeX{} is a document preparation system and document markup language!}}

    \Que{Why I should use \LaTeX?}
     \only<2>{\Ans{\LaTeX{} provides very high quality. \LaTeX{} is free and Open Source!}}


enter image description here

I enclosed your questions and answers inside an overlayarea environment to keep the questions fixed and preventing from jumping upwards when the answers are presented.

  • The second problem has been solved. How to solve the first problem, @Gonzalo Medina?
    – Edy Jo
    Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 16:03
  • I mean, title and author on the title page. I can't put it in the middle vertically.
    – Edy Jo
    Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 16:12
  • @EdyJo please see my updated answer. I assumed you only want to show the author and the title in the title page. Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 16:32

The problem lies in the definitions of \Que and \Ans:

        {\color{blue}\transparent{0.3}\Huge Q{\huge\thenum}} --- #1}

            \textbf{#1} #2  --- {\Huge\color{blue}\transparent{0.3} A}

You are defining overlay-aware commands without explicit use of the overlay specifications. Changing the definitions into:

        {\color{blue}\transparent{0.3}\Huge Q{\huge\thenum}} --- #1}

            \textbf{#1} #2  --- {\Huge\color{blue}\transparent{0.3} A}

allows to use:

    \Que<1->{What is \LaTeX{}?}
    \Ans<2->{\LaTeX{} is a document preparation system and document markup language!}

    \Que<1->{Why I should use \LaTeX?}
    \Ans<2->{\LaTeX{} provides very high quality. \LaTeX{} is free and Open Source!}

The complete example:

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=lime!20}


    linecolor       = blue!30,
    outerlinewidth      = 2pt,
    roundcorner     = 10pt,
    leftmargin      = 10pt,
    rightmargin     = 80pt,
    innertopmargin      = \baselineskip,
    innerbottommargin   = \baselineskip,
    innerrightmargin    = 20pt,
    innerleftmargin     = 20pt,
    backgroundcolor     = red!20!white

    linecolor       = red!30,
    outerlinewidth      = 2pt,
    roundcorner     = 10pt,
    leftmargin      = 80pt,
    rightmargin     = 10pt,
    innertopmargin      = \baselineskip,
    innerbottommargin   = \baselineskip,
    innerrightmargin    = 20pt,
    innerleftmargin     = 20pt,
    backgroundcolor     = blue!20!white


        {\color{blue}\transparent{0.3}\Huge Q{\huge\thenum}} --- #1}

            \textbf{#1} #2  --- {\Huge\color{blue}\transparent{0.3} A}




\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=green!20}

    \Que<1->{What is \LaTeX{}?}
    \Ans<2->{\LaTeX{} is a document preparation system and document markup language!}

    \Que<1->{Why I should use \LaTeX?}
    \Ans<2->{\LaTeX{} provides very high quality. \LaTeX{} is free and Open Source!}


The result:

enter image description here

  • It also ran well, @Claudio Fiandrino.
    – Edy Jo
    Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 16:14

Based on Gonzalo Medina answers, I did some adjustments:


%\inserttitle\par % disabled
    \inserttitle{\huge\color{blue} Questions and Answer}


    %\insertauthor % disabled
    \insertauthor{\Large\color{blue} Edy Wihardjo}


%\title{The title} % disabled
%\author{The Author} % disabled

This is what I want


Title Page Before


Title Page After

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