This is a continuation of the topic Displaying a Numbered Questions and Answer.
I continue to give color to the background, then putting questions and answers in the boxes using mdframed package.
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=lime!20}
linecolor = blue!30,
outerlinewidth = 2pt,
roundcorner = 10pt,
leftmargin = 10pt,
rightmargin = 80pt,
innertopmargin = \baselineskip,
innerbottommargin = \baselineskip,
innerrightmargin = 20pt,
innerleftmargin = 20pt,
backgroundcolor = red!20!white
linecolor = red!30,
outerlinewidth = 2pt,
roundcorner = 10pt,
leftmargin = 80pt,
rightmargin = 10pt,
innertopmargin = \baselineskip,
innerbottommargin = \baselineskip,
innerrightmargin = 20pt,
innerleftmargin = 20pt,
backgroundcolor = blue!20!white
{\color{blue}\transparent{0.3}\Huge Q{\huge\thenum}} --- #1}
\textbf{#1} #2 --- {\Huge\color{blue}\transparent{0.3} A}
\inserttitle{\huge\color{blue} Questions and Answer}
\insertauthor{\Large\color{blue} Edy Wihardjo}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=green!20}
\Que{What is \LaTeX{}?}
\Ans{\LaTeX{} is a document preparation system and document markup language!}
\Que{Why I should use \LaTeX?}
\Ans{\LaTeX{} provides very high quality. \LaTeX{} is free and Open Source!}
First Problem
How to set the title to be in the middle of the page?
I've added a command:
but does not work.
Second Problem
Before displaying the answer, there is an empty text box.