I'm writing an article in Norwegian, and the guidelines specify that articles should be quoted in the bibliography as follows:

John Doe. 2005. "My article." A Cool Journal 16.

My impression is that this is the default style in Norway. Abstracting away from other issues (which I can fix) I'm not able to replicate the quote style with csquotes. Using style = norwegian will use bottom quotes and put the period after the quotes. Using style = american gets me somewhat closer, but the period is still after the quotes. There's something in the biblatex manual under §3.10.1 about moving the periods inside the quotes, but I don't understand the documentation on this point.

With style = norwegian:

\usepackage[style = norwegian, norwegian = quotes]{csquotes}
\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp, language = nynorsk]{biblatex}

    AUTHOR = "John Doe",
    TITLE = "My article",
    JOURNALTITLE = "A Cool Journal",
    VOLUME = "16",
    YEAR = "2005"}

enter image description here

With style = american:

\usepackage[style = american, norwegian = quotes]{csquotes}
\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp, language = nynorsk]{biblatex}

    AUTHOR = "John Doe",
    TITLE = "My article",
    JOURNALTITLE = "A Cool Journal",
    VOLUME = "16",
    YEAR = "2005"}

enter image description here

  • As a last resort, you can add a period at the end of the title in the .bib file. This will suppress the period after the quotes.
    – Bernard
    Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 20:01
  • @Bernard I don't think it's a good idea to change the .bib file depending on the style sheet in question.
    – Sverre
    Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 20:06
  • 'twas only a suggestion as a last resort.
    – Bernard
    Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 20:24
  • I added a solution using xpatch.
    – Bernard
    Commented Feb 5, 2014 at 18:04

3 Answers 3


You simply have to tell biblatex to use the "American punctuation" for the nynorsk language, that is add the following lines in your preamble:



\usepackage[style = american, norwegian = quotes]{csquotes}
\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp, language = nynorsk]{biblatex}

    AUTHOR = "John Doe",
    TITLE = "My article",
    JOURNALTITLE = "A Cool Journal",
    VOLUME = "16",
    YEAR = "2005"}




enter image description here


I think you might be able to do this using biblatex's \uspunctuation command (see sec. 4.7.5 p. 194 of the manual). This adds just one line to your code:

\usepackage[style = american, norwegian = quotes]{csquotes}
\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp, language = nynorsk, backend = biber]{biblatex}

    AUTHOR = "John Doe",
    TITLE = "My article",
    JOURNALTITLE = "A Cool Journal",
    VOLUME = "16",
    YEAR = "2005"}


Obviously, move this earlier in the document if necessary. It does seem to need to follow \begin{document}, however. (I'd almost given up on getting something to work when I decided to try this command in the body of the document.) I assume something is getting run at \begin{document} which overrides settings configured in the preamble. (I guess to do with the document's primary language.)

Norwegian (I assume) with US punctuation - Don't try this at home!


Here is a solution, patching the title bibmacro – but it should be thoroughly tested for side effects, as there is after the modified fragment a \printfield{titleaddon}, for which I do not know whether this patch would be problematic. Also the title bibmacro is used for other types of entry, and in other bibmacros, so I included a test to see if we are in an article entry, but if it's OK for all types of entry that use "title", this test can be deleted.

\usepackage[style = american, norwegian = quotes]{csquotes}
\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp, language = nynorsk]{biblatex}


AUTHOR = "John Doe",
TITLE = "My article",
JOURNALTITLE = "A Cool Journal",
VOLUME = "16",
YEAR = "2005"}


enter image description here

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