This question is very similar to Extendible equals sign but the solutions given there do not apply immediately.
At times I woud like to clarify the nature of a mathematical congruence. So I have defined in my preamble
\newcommand*\morph[1]{\underset{\mbox{\tiny #1}}{\cong}}
So I can write things like \morph{diff}
and \morph{hom}
to differentiate between different congruences. But even with the \mbox
content set to \tiny
, the text is still wider than the congruence sign. Any ideas?
will produce (IMO) inconsistent results. In this particular case (again, in my opinion) I'd rather stick to the behaviour exhibited by your current definition. Another option would be to select different symbols.\xrightarrow[under]{over}
and put a\sim
in one position? You could also use\widetilde
to some (probably limited) extent to place a tilde over an extendible equals sign, though I haven't tried it so I'll leave the suggestion here as a comment.