As the current semester is almost over and my lecturenotes-typesetting project draws to a close, I start learning the definitions with flashcards. I've created the flashcards automatically with a Python script that extracts \begin{definition}..\end{definition} and puts them into a new TeX-document. In most cases, it works fine:

enter image description here

The TeX-file is in A7 so that every page contains exactly one definition. To make sure that this works, I surround the definitions like this:


I've inserted the \vspace*{\fill} to center the definitions on the A7 page. So I can print 8 definitions on A4 pages and cut them (see image below).

This works fine for about 60 flashcards / definitions, but about 10 flashcards are either not vertically centered or have 2 definitions on one page.

Why are there pages with two definitions, when after every definition is a \clearpage? Is there a better way to vertically center definition environments than by surrounding them with \vspace*{\fill}?

(I don't think you need to look at the Python script or the TeX-template, but if you want to, you can.)

  • Did you try adding \topskip=0pt before the first \vspace*{\fill}? Feb 6, 2014 at 6:42
  • I did try it now, but the problems remained. Why should \topskip=0pt change anything? Feb 6, 2014 at 6:57
  • A \topskip (usually 10pt or similar) is added at the beginning of each page. Feb 6, 2014 at 8:12
  • I've just found the flashcards document class. I gave it a try and found an error, but if this error can be resolved it might be the best solution. Feb 6, 2014 at 9:45
  • A while ago, i made cards for learning (including a front and a rear side), which i could not get to work (using A6) for printing, but i wrote a small package (which still isn't on CTAN sadly). Your cards are german, so you might understand my small page for that project here rbergmann.info/projekte/kartei.html mabe you could combine that with your python script.
    – Ronny
    Feb 6, 2014 at 9:46


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