My bibliography is not perfect. I need to make some changes.
MUSTERMANN, Hans (1994). The World Wide Web. URL: http:\\websiteisdown.tld\WoWiWe (besucht am 01.02.2013)
MUSTERMANN, Hans (1994): The World Wide Web. Online http:\\websiteisdown.tld\WoWiWe, Urldate is 02.2013.
The minimal example:
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % lang new german
references = {Q}
% Names
@online{ art:web,
author = {Hans Mustermann},
title = {The World Wide Web},
year = {1994},
url = {http:\\websiteisdown.tld\WoWiWe},
urldate = {2013-02-01}
How can I fix this. Thank you.
urlseen = {Urldate is},
to thebiblatex
strings you define to get that string. I thought thaturl
would change the 'URL' bit but it doesn't seem to...urlseen = {Urldate is}
make it better. How can I remove the brackets?\DeclareFieldFormat{urldate}{\bibstring{urlseen}\space#1}