I've to use the yellow background for data values in the following code.

\color{blue}DATA \color{black}Heart;
\color{blue}INPUT \color{black}X Y @@;
28 70 23 68 52 90 42 75 27 68
29 80 43 78 34 70 40 80 28 72

\color{blue}PROC REG DATA\color{black}=Heart;
\color{blue}MODEL \color{black}Y=X;


Any help will be highly appreciated.

1 Answer 1


Your question do not state that you are using the fancyvrb package? I do not see a background color option in the package, but for short snipits, use the SaveVerbatim environment and save it to box. Put the contents then in a colorbox

\color{blue}DATA \color{black}Heart;
\color{blue}INPUT \color{black}X Y @@;
28 70 23 68 52 90 42 75 27 68
29 80 43 78 34 70 40 80 28 72

\color{blue}PROC REG DATA\color{black}=Heart;
\color{blue}MODEL \color{black}Y=X;

Alternative you can use the framed package to get mutipage stuff

\definecolor{shadecolor}{cmyk}{0,0,1,0} %yellow
\color{blue}DATA \color{black}Heart;
\color{blue}INPUT \color{black}X Y @@;
28 70 23 68 52 90 42 75 27 68
29 80 43 78 34 70 40 80 28 72

\color{blue}PROC REG DATA\color{black}=Heart;
\color{blue}MODEL \color{black}Y=X;

For the data lines only put it in a \colorbox

\color{blue}DATA \color{black}Heart;
\color{blue}INPUT \color{black}X Y @@;
\colorbox{yellow}{28 70 23 68 52 90 42 75 27 68}
\colorbox{yellow}{29 80 43 78 34 70 40 80 28 72}
\colorbox{yellow}{;                            }

\color{blue}PROC REG DATA\color{black}=Heart;
\color{blue}MODEL \color{black}Y=X;
  • Thanks for your answer. Given code works fine but I need yellow background around only ( 28 70 23 68 52 90 42 75 27 68 29 80 43 78 34 70 40 80 28 72 ;) within Verbatim.
    – MYaseen208
    Commented Apr 16, 2011 at 5:32
  • @MYaseen208: Your question is realy unclear on what you want. For the line you request, put them in a colorbox (see the 3rd listing in the answer)
    – Danie Els
    Commented Apr 16, 2011 at 5:41
  • Thanks a lot. Eventually I got it. Thanks for your help.
    – MYaseen208
    Commented Apr 16, 2011 at 6:03

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