I would like to design a simple environment which displays examples. This is what I got so far:
\newcommand\filltoend{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 0.7ex depth \dimexpr0.4pt-0.7ex\hfill\kern0pt}
\textbf{Example~\theexample{}}~{\color{gray}\filltoend}% number and line
\nopagebreak% is this the right place?
\par% should I call other vertical spacing commands so I can use the plus/minus syntax?
\textbf{#1}% Heading
\\% it would be nice to keep this together with contents
\begin{example}[My example]
This is simple and kind of ok.
How can I specify that I want some non-strechable vertical space between the example's number and line, heading and text? How do I discourage LaTeX from putting page breaks between the header components?
In other words: I would like to keep the Example # ---
, heading, and start of inner paragraph together, on the same page and without too large spacing between them.
in your code. I would also put that\nopagebreak
and before the vertical space, but it is probably OK where it is.