I am using a matrix in Plain TeX, and the spacing between columns is too large. Since I'm also changing the paper size, the matrix runs off the side of the page. A minimal example is

\input eplain

  A =


I can shrink the columns by inserting an \hskip before each &, but that makes the source difficult to read. Is there a nicer way to control this spacing?

2 Answers 2


This is Plain, not eplain. The definition of \matrix uses \quad between columns. You can define a new macro that takes another argument for the spacing:

\input eplain

  A =


enter image description here


You can redefine \quad inside the group; this way, it is restored when the group is complete (originally, I had it redefined before the group and reset it manually after the group; thanks to morbusg for the reminder, saving me two lines of code).

\input eplain
  A =

enter image description here

  • 1
    You could redefine the \quad inside the display, because it forms a group, the redefinition goes away automatically after the group (ie. $$\let\quad\enspace ...$$)
    – morbusg
    Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 9:54

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