I am finishing setting up my thesis LaTeX document using scrreprt
I am trying to add the final touches which include a List of Acronyms
. Now I want it to look exactly the same as the ToC
does in style as far as the title "List of Acronyms" goes. I have managed to do this by using \chapter*{List of Acronyms}
whereby it uses the chapter style without printing a chapter page, and here is where the problem arises, when I do this the page numbering is automatically switched to arabic
; I wish for the LoA to be in the preface which should all be in roman
page numbering.
How can I use the exact same style of the chapter* font for the title (which also omits it from the ToC which is fine) without losing the roman page numbering?
Please find below my MWE with included an acronym (side note if someone could also direct me to a post which explains how to customise the \printacronyms
format I would be very grateful).
chapterprefix=true% like in standard class "report"
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % number subsubsections
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % list subsubsections
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ACRONYM DEFINITION
short = PWR ,
short-plural = s ,
long = Pressurised Water Reactor ,
long-plural = s ,
class = reactors ,
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LIST OF ACRONYMS
\chapter*{List of Acronyms}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Acronyms}
\printacronyms[include-classes=reactors,name=Reactor Acronyms]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Chapter Style Controls
\addtokomafont{chapterprefix}{\raggedleft \linespread{1}}
Pasting an acronym \ac{pwr}
(and probably increasing the counter) I cannot say. But some other things: Why the first\cleardoublepage
before any output? Already asked in a comment to another question: Why do you loadsetspace
, when you do not use it?\addchap*
in KOMA-Script doc.