As for my thesis, I asked today here but I still cannot use it because there are other packages and commands I need to modify the tables of contents. So here is the full minimum working template. I just want to make the chapter title in tocs to be All capital letters like "IV. TEST". Sorry for the long one.
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatex
\usepackage[showframe,paperwidth=8.5in,paperheight=11in,top=1in,textwidth=5.8in,bottom=1in,left=1.25in,right=1.25in,footskip=0.3in]{geometry}% This is the page layout.
{\hbox to \linewidth{\textbf{Chapter}\hfill\textbf{Page}}\bigskip
{\afterpage {\ifintoc\PrintChapterTocHeadline\fi}}
{\hbox to \linewidth{\textbf{Figure}\hfill\textbf{Page}}\bigskip
{\afterpage {\ifinlof\PrintChapterLofHeadline\fi}}
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\fontsize{16pt}{18pt}\selectfont {\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\fontsize{16pt}{18pt}\selectfont {\centerline{LIST OF FIGURES}}}
\makeatother \usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks,bookmarksnumbered,citecolor=blue,linkcolor=magenta,menucolor=black,pdftoolbar=false,urlcolor=DeepSkyBlue,pdftitle={Comprehensive Exam},pdfauthor={Thein Htay Oo},pdfsubject={Physics},pdfstartview=Fit,pdfdisplaydoctitle=true,pdfpagelayout=SinglePage]{hyperref}
\vspace{-\@tempskipa}%<<<<<< REMOVE THE * AFTER \vspace
\ifcase#5 \global\@afterindentfalse\fi
\ttl@finmarks % Outside the box!
\renewcommand \thesection{\arabic{chapter}.\arabic{section}}
\renewcommand \thesubsection{\arabic{chapter}.\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}}
\titleformat{\chapter}[display] {\singlespacing\rmfamily\fontsize{16pt}{19pt}\bfseries}
{\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}\filcenter}{10pt}{\centering\uppercase}
ype dedication here, if any. Otherwise, delete this page.
\caption{ms expected.}
\caption{ms expected.}
\caption{ms expected.}
twice. You probably should not usegeometry
. (In addition to the comments on the other post re. incompatibilities.) Could you explain why you can't use that solution? What happens?titlesec
is incompatible withhyperref
according tohyperref
. Could you simplify your configuration by usingkoma-script
packages and config where possible? For example, could you usetocstyle
to format the list of figures? And similarly to replacegeometry
etc.? I suggest this because I think it is going to be hard to keep control of things with so many incompatible packages flying around. I guess the main issue ishyperref
. But things liketitlesec
sit badly with several other things you are using.titlesec
should be fine withreport
says it is incompatible. Also,report
will be fine withgeometry
etc. I thinkreport
is probably a better choice here as it will be less likely to compete with your customisation.geometry
can be used with KOMA-Script. One should leave outDIV
option and othertypearea
things then.