This is one possible solution
Note: If arrow lines are preferred, add a style to the \tikzset{...}
as shown below.
edge from parent/.style={draw=black!70,-latex}
[auto,every node/.style={rectangle,draw, text centered, text width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm },node distance=6cm]
level 1/.style={sibling distance = 5cm, level distance=2cm,edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) -- (\tikzchildnode.north)}},
level 2/.style={sibling distance = 2.5cm,level distance=3cm}
\node (0){Supplier \\ Selection}
child {node (1) {Production \\ Development \\Capability}
child {node (2) {Max sixe}}
child {node {Casting\\Complexity}}
child {node {Min. Sec.\\Thickness}}
child {node {Software\\Aid}}
child {node {Pattern\\Making}}}
child {node {Manufacturing\\Capability}}
child {node {Quality\\Capabiltity}}
child {node {Cost and\\Time}
child {node {Total\\ Casting\\ Cost}}
child {node {Sample\\Delivery\\Time}}};
\node at (0) [xshift=-11cm,left,draw=none]{Level 1};
\node at (1) [xshift=-6cm, left,draw=none]{Level 2};
\node at (2) [xshift=-1cm, left,draw=none]{Level 3};