I am writing a 4-5 pages article document, and a full-width, traditional table of contents really feels over the top and would take up too much space, but I still feel a toc is really great to show the document structure. Ideally, I would like to have my toc framed in the top left of the article (with the content starting inmmediately to its right), just like many journals or even wikipedia does.
So far, I've attempted to achieve that with columns, minipage and wrapfigure, but none of those solutions is really satisfying (I've been using latex for some time now, but I always let him do the job, so I'm not that familiar with manually doing stuff).
The main issues are getting the starting content to properly and automatically wrap around the toc (didn't achieve with colums or minipage), and getting the starting content and the toc correctly aligned and clean (didn't achieve with wrapfigure).
Here's my best attempt so far:
\usepackage{float} %floats and figures
\usepackage{graphicx} %load images
\usepackage{wrapfig} %figures within text
\usepackage{subcaption} %multiple subfigures and subcaptions
{\LARGE Rapport de visite d'entreprise}\\
Nathan Dwek\\
\section{Le groupe ABB}
\section{ABB Jumet}
\section{La ligne de production de condensateurs}
\subsection{La métallisation}
\subsection{Le choupage\label{choupage}}
\subsection{Traitements de finition}
\section{Systèmes à condensateurs}
\subsection{Condensateurs en triphasé}
\subsection{Armoires à condensateurs}
and the result:
as you can see the section title is out of place (should be right above starting text) and the toc has a weird horizontal alignment (see @Keks Dose 's answer for this part)
Any hints?
Thank you in advance