This question is different that the following question
TeXStudio : Disable auto-completion of parentheses
The above question asks how to disable automatic completion of parentheses (which I have disabled).
I am not able to find how to disable another very annoying feature. When the mouse is on a "(" or a "$" or "{" any token that requires a corresponding token on the other side, TexStudio jumps in and highlights these with a yellow box and changes the letter to red.
I spend long time and googling and not able to find what I need to turn off. I think I turned off almost everything, and it still does it. Turned of all syntax highlighting I can see.
Here is an example:
Here is my configuration
I am ready to uninstall this software, but thought to ask here first. (or may be I should just use emacs and be done with it)
Windows 7, 64 bit. Miktex 9 (latest)
thank you