I want to create a table with arrows between some cells, for which I've used tabularx
and TkiZ. I have the following problems:
- Text in cells aligned vertically to the center and at the same heigh (TikZ nodes are not inline with normal cells text in a same row).
- Inability to align to the center with
. - I don't know how to fix the size of the cells.
This is what I currently have:
\tikzset{every picture/.style={remember picture}}
&$D_1$&$D_2$&$D_3$&$D_4$&foo\\ \cline{1-6}
$O_1$&\tikz[baseline]{\node (a11) {50};}&\tikz[baseline]{\node (a12) {0};}&&&50\\[2em] \cline{1-6}
$O_2$&&\tikz[baseline]{\node (a22) {60};}&&&60\\[2em] \cline{1-6}
$O_3$&&\tikz[baseline]{\node (a32) {10};}&\tikz[baseline]{\node (a33) {30};}&\tikz[baseline]{\node (a34) {10};}&50\\[2em] \cline{1-6}
$O_4$&&&&\tikz[baseline]{\node (a44) {50};}&50\\[2em] \cline{1-6}
\path[thick,->] (a11) edge (a12);
\path[thick,->] (a12) edge (a22);
\path[thick,->] (a22) edge (a32);
\path[thick,->] (a32) edge (a33);
\path[thick,->] (a33) edge (a34);
\path[thick,->] (a34) edge (a44);
Besides, I get the following warnings:
(badness 10000) in alignment at lines 13--13Overfull
(15.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 13--22
Overfull \hbox (15.0pt too wide)...
warning comes from not using\noindent
right before\begin{tabularx}
(your table starts a paragraph so it receives the standard indentation).