I'm making a presentation in ipe. I have a table from a .tex document that I would like to include in ipe document. Is there any way to use the tabular environment or something similar in ipe?
2 Answers
I was copying and pasting the tex from a paper, which included \table{} which pdflatex complained about, saying it's not in an outer par environment. By just using tabular, ipe was happy to include it, after I cleaned up some other issues that the latex code also had.
\begin{tabular}{|l l|l|l|}
Query Type & & Query Time & Space \\ \hline
Orthogonal: & Standard & $O(\log^{d-1} n)$ & $O(n \log^{d-1} n)$ \\
& SD fixed $m$ & $O(m \cdot \log ^d n)$ & $O(m \cdot n \log^{d-1} n)$ \\
& SD variable $m$ & $O(m \cdot \log ^d n)$ & $O(n \log ^d n)$ \\
& SD size est. & $O(\log ^{d+1} n \log U)$ & $O(n \log^{d} n \log U)$ \\ \hline
Just a small addition to your answer.
If you would need to include a pmatrix
instead of tabular
into your figure, you also need to ask IPE to include the amsmath package. This is simple (taken from here). Click on Edit > Document properties (alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+P) and type \usepackage{amsmath}
into the "Latex Preamble" field.
You can also use this for changing fonts or doing anything else you normally do in the preamble of your LaTeX document.
would not give that error,table
would, but you don't needtable
for a self-standing fragment. The whole point of table is to float to another page. I see you answered already!