I want to draw this:

enter image description here

and my xy-pic code is

{\ar@{-}^{f_1}|{\dir{>}} s0;s1},
{\ar@{-}^{f_2}|{\dir{>}} s1;s2},
{\ar@{-}^{f_3}|{\dir{>}} s2;s3},
{\ar@{-}^{f_4}|{\dir{>}} s3;s0},

Can I use the function @@ to simplify the above code? For example, the code


gives the output without the arrows and the f's.


2 Answers 2


TikZ implementation with very simple code:


\begin{tikzpicture}[-stealth,line cap=rect]
\draw(0,0)  |- (1,1)  node[above]{$f_1$};
\draw(1,1)  -| (2,0)  node[right]{$f_2$};
\draw(2,0)  |- (1,-1) node[below]{$f_3$};
\draw(1,-1) -| (0,0)  node[left]{$f_4$};

enter image description here


A PSTricks solution where you can control the side length in the diagram (by changing the value of \Length):






    ArrowInside = ->,
    ArrowInsidePos = 0.52,
    arrowscale = 1.5
  \uput[ 90](\halfLength,\Length){$f_{1}$}
  \uput[  0](\Length,\halfLength){$f_{2}$}



Note that I haven't choosen ArrowInsidePos = 0.5 but instead ArrowInsidePos = 0.52 since this gives a better arrowhead placement (visually speaking), I think.

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