According to section 3.10 of the beamer manual, the t option top-aligns either every frame (when used as a class option) or a single frame (when used as optional argument of a frame environment). According to section 12.7, t can also be used to top-align the columns of a columns environment (a multi-column area within a frame). However, I didn't succeed to combine the two tasks, i.e. to top-align columns within a top-aligned frame. Did I miss something? How can the correct alignment be achieved?

Note: For columns, there's also a T option that (quoting section 12.7) should be tried "[i]f strange things seem to happen in conjunction with the t option". Adding T to the second column comes close to the desired result, but doesn't achieve it (the second column is positioned somewhat higher than the first column).



\begin{frame}[t]{Frame title}
      \item First column, first item
      \item First column, second item
    \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth}% Alternative A doesn't work
%     \begin{column}[T]{0.5\textwidth}% Alternative B comes close
      \item Second column, first item


EDIT: Thanks to Stefan for posting a workaround solution. I'm still interested in why such a workaround is necessary resp. why top-aligned columns work within centered frames by default. Is this a bug in beamer?

3 Answers 3


You could set \topsep and \partopsep to zero. Here's a definition of an itemize version with this in mind, achieving vertical top alignment. It's similar to a solution I remember which Uwe Lück posted some time ago to a mailing list.

   \renewcommand*{\@listi}{\leftmargin\leftmargini \parsep\z@ \topsep\z@ \itemsep\z@}
\begin{frame}[t]{Frame title}
      \item First column, first item
      \item First column, second item
      \item Second column, first item

enter image description here

  • Note that this also works when you have some figure (via includegraphics) in the second column: using myitemize lets the option T work as one would expect (see here)
    – Alf
    Commented Nov 9, 2017 at 9:31


This known bug was solved some time ago. There is no need for workaround solutions or including special lines of code in preambles.

\begin{frame}[t]{Test Columns}
First Column
\item First Item First Item First Item First Item
\item Second Item Second Item Second Item Second Item
Second Column
\item First Item First Item First Item First Item
\item Second Item Second Item Second Item Second Item
\begin{frame}{Test Columns}
First Column
\item First Item First Item First Item First Item
\item Second Item Second Item Second Item Second Item
Second Column
\item First Item First Item First Item First Item
\item Second Item Second Item Second Item Second Item

works as expected

enter image description here

Original answer

This problem was reported (issue #78) at Github beamer development repository. The suggested solution was:

I know how to fix it, and it's quite easy, but I'm not sure if it will break something else. If you need the fix badly, replace lines 256--260 in beamerbaseframe.sty which read:




Its state is still 'on hold'.

Instead of modifying beamer files, we can include some lines in our preamble.

\define@key{beamerframe}{t}[true]{% top
  \beamer@frametopskip=.2cm plus .5\paperheight\relax%
  \beamer@framebottomskip=0pt plus 1fill\relax%
\begin{frame}[t]{Frame title}
      \item First column, first item
      \item First column, second item
      \item Second column, first item

It may be worth trying minipage, instead of creating the custom modifications in the preamble, especially if it is going to be something that is not used a lot of times:



\begin{frame}[t]{Frame title}
            \item First column, first item
            \item First column, second item
            \item Second column, first item


where the \vspace{0pt} is there just to give LaTeX a common reference to align the contents in both minipage.

  • 1
    for top-aligned columns which start in the middle of a page (rather than as a first element after slide header), this is the correct solution! Commented Mar 11, 2020 at 13:08

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