Since the paraview legends look horrible when they appear inside a latex document, I want to replace them using Python's matplotlib and Nico's matplotlib2tikz package.
So I have compiled a python script matplotlib4colorbars, that produces a tikz file, which can then be included in a tex document. The tex part in a single file reads (you will have to download the included image img1.png to produce the output)
% \input{colorbar.tikz}
xmin=0, xmax=0.07635,
ymin=-0.247, ymax=1.28,
axis on top,
scaled x ticks=false,
\addplot graphics [includegraphics cmd=\pgfimage,xmin=0, xmax=0.07635, ymin=-0.247, ymax=1.28] {img1.png};
\path [draw=black, fill opacity=0] (axis cs:13,1.28)--(axis cs:13,1.28);
\path [draw=black, fill opacity=0] (axis cs:0.07635,13)--(axis cs:0.07635,13);
\path [draw=black, fill opacity=0] (axis cs:13,-0.247)--(axis cs:13,-0.247);
\path [draw=black, fill opacity=0] (axis cs:0,13)--(axis cs:0,13);
and it produces , which I find more attractive than the paraview legend
However, I could not reproduce the prominent yticklabels
. So the question is, how to make that the pgfplot has the margin points as labels? And, how to make these margin labels a bit larger than the others?