A solution meeting the stated requirements: the +
and -
signs are placed natively without extra packages nor manually adding them. This implies redefining \pgf@circ@drawvoltagegenerator
as defined in pgfcircvoltage.sty
(the only thing that has to be done is to comment out a conditional that prevents the signs from appearing):
coordinate (pgfcirc@Vcont1) at ($(\ctikzvalof{bipole/name}.center) ! \ctikzvalof{voltage/bump a} ! (\ctikzvalof{bipole/name}.-120)$)
coordinate (pgfcirc@Vcont2) at ($(\ctikzvalof{bipole/name}.center) ! \ctikzvalof{voltage/bump a} ! (\ctikzvalof{bipole/name}.-60)$)
coordinate (pgfcirc@Vcont1) at ($ (\ctikzvalof{bipole/name}.center) ! \ctikzvalof{voltage/bump a} ! (\ctikzvalof{bipole/name}.120)$)
coordinate (pgfcirc@Vcont2) at ($ (\ctikzvalof{bipole/name}.center) ! \ctikzvalof{voltage/bump a} ! (\ctikzvalof{bipole/name}.60)$)
(pgfcirc@Vcont2) -- node[currarrow, sloped, allow upside down, pos=1] {} (pgfcirc@Vcont1)
(pgfcirc@Vcont1) -- node[currarrow, sloped, allow upside down, pos=1] {} (pgfcirc@Vcont2)
\else % american voltage
\ifx\pgf@temp\pgf@circ@temp % if it is a battery, must put + and -
(pgfcirc@Vcont2) node[xshift=2pt,yshift=-6pt] {$-$} (pgfcirc@Vcont1) node[xshift=-2pt,yshift=-6pt] {$+$}
(pgfcirc@Vcont1) node[xshift=-2pt,yshift=-6pt] {$-$} (pgfcirc@Vcont2) node[xshift=2pt,yshift=-6pt] {$+$}
\draw (0,0) to [battery1,v>=\SI{9}{V}] (3,0)
to [pC,v=$v_C$] (6,0)
to[cV, v=\SI{9}{V}] (9,0)
A remark:
I think that the missing + and - signs might be a bug in circuitikz. If one looks at the relevant code I modified:
\else % american voltage
\ifx\pgf@circ@batteria\pgf@circ@temp % if it is a battery, must put + and -
(pgfcirc@Vcont2) node {$-$} (pgfcirc@Vcont1) node {$+$}
(pgfcirc@Vcont1) node {$-$} (pgfcirc@Vcont2) node {$+$}
The line
\ifx\pgf@circ@batteria\pgf@circ@temp % if it is a battery, must put + and -
suggests that the package author intended to include the +
and -
signs for batteries; however, the conditional above the mentioned line won't produce the expected condition since an \def
was used instead of \edef
and the last conditional should be
instead of
Perhaps it would be a good idea to contact the package author and ask him if this is indeed a bug or if he decided not to add the signs in all cases.