I installed arara on windows and it is working properly as noted by running it from cmd shell. Is putting follwing syntax in a "template" preamble that I use as input file to generate multiple documents adequate to compile the document or I have to mention filename everytime in each tex file. I am using texwork.

How can I make texwork automatically build the file as the file is changed ?

% arara: xelatex
% arara: xelatex
% arara: clean: { files: [ *.aux, *.bbl ] }
% arara: clean: { files: [ *.bcf, *.cod ] } 
% arara: clean: { files: [ *.blg, *.lof ] }
% arara: clean: { files: [ *.lot, *.out ] } 
% arara: clean: { files: [ *.toc, *.log ] } 
  • The arara syntax % arara: pdflatex failed to work if you put it in a input preamble.tex.
    – Vaibhav
    Mar 18, 2014 at 16:14

1 Answer 1


There is a rule, called remove from Paulo Cereda:

# Clean rule for arara
# author: Paulo Cereda
# requires arara 3.0+
identifier: remove
name: Remove
command: <arara> @{remove}
- identifier: remove
  default: <arara> @{isNotEmpty(item, isWindows("cmd /c del", "rm -f").concat(' "').concat(getBasename(file))concat('.').concat(item).concat('"'))}

This deletes by

% arara: remove: { items: [ aux , toc , bbl ] }

the files jobname.aux and jobname.toc and jobname.bbl.

If you want to delete files like *.aux and *.toc and *.bbl with any names, try this tiny changing:

# Clean rule for arara
# requires arara 3.0+
identifier: removex
name: RemoveX
command: <arara> @{removex}
- identifier: removex
  default: <arara> @{isNotEmpty(item, isWindows("cmd /c del", "rm -f").concat(' "').concat('*')concat('.').concat(item).concat('"'))}

This deletes by

% arara: removex: {items: [ png , tmp ] }

all files with the extension *.png and *.tmp.

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