Another answer because I misunderstood your question. Digging around in the source code there are several macros which affect the length of the arrows.
From mhchem.sty
we have
{$\mkern9mu\ext@arrow 3399\mhchem@leftharpoondownfill@%
\protect\raisebox{.22ex}{$\ext@arrow 3399\mhchem@rightharpoonupfill@%
It's basically a front end to amsmath
's \ext@arrow
\hbox to\wd\tw@{\unhbox\z@}}%
So playing around with the arguments to \ext@arrow
in lines 3-4 will affect the length of the lower arrow. I could not grok the \ext@arrow
code enough to figure out how.
Instead I tried the option of drawing arrows with pgf
. You have to put
in the preamble. Then the relevant macro is:
\draw[use as bounding box] (0,0) (#1,1ex);
\draw[cap=round, join=round, line width=0.09ex]
(0.0cm,0.575ex+0.22ex) -- ++(#1,0cm) arc (250:198:0.9ex);
\draw[cap=round, join=round, line width=0.09ex]
(#1+0.5em-1em,0.575ex-0.22ex) -- (0.5em,0.575ex-0.22ex) arc (70:18:0.9ex);
From this you can see that the bottom arrow is 1em shorter than the top one. To make it even shorter, change the last line to something like:
(#1-0.75em,0.575ex-0.22ex) -- (0.75em,0.575ex-0.22ex) arc (70:18:0.9ex);
This will make the bottom arrow 1.5em shorter.
To make this configurable, define a key and invoke it. Here's the complete example:
\draw[use as bounding box] (0,0) (#1,1ex);
\draw[cap=round, join=round, line width=0.09ex]
(0.0cm,0.575ex+0.22ex) -- ++(#1,0cm) arc (250:198:0.9ex);
\draw[cap=round, join=round, line width=0.09ex]
% was: (#1+0.5em-1em,0.575ex-0.22ex) -- (0.5em,0.575ex-0.22ex) arc (70:18:0.9ex);
-- (\the\mhchem@shortarrow@reduction,0.575ex-0.22ex) arc (70:18:0.9ex);
\ce{CH2OH + ATP <=>>[\text{Hexokinase}] + \text{glucose 6-phosphate} + ADP + H+} \\
\ce{CH2OH + ATP <=>>[\text{Hexokinase}] + \text{glucose 6-phosphate} + ADP + H+}} \\