I want to put a pgfplots plot beside several other pdf images that I import into my document, but I can't figure out how to position the pgfplots axis
in the larger tikzpicture
\node[anchor=south west] (img) at (0,0)
\node[anchor=south west]
at (0.01\linewidth,0.01\linewidth) {a};
\node[anchor=south west] (img) at (0.33\linewidth,0)
\node[anchor=south west]
at (0.34\linewidth,0.01\linewidth) {b};
\begin{axis}[width=0.45\linewidth, yticklabels={}]
\addplot [const plot, fill=red]
table [x index=0, y index=1]
\caption{\label{detdemo}An example of my output}
here is the example output:
The axis
seems to begin from the (0,0)
of the tikzpicture
I wanted to see how I can position this axis after the second picture? Such that its bottom left corner is on (0.66\linewidth,0)