I would like to draw a cube using Tikz with some faces of the cube having a texture on it (texture would be a PNG image)
my current code is at follows :
\tikzset{persp/.style={scale=3.0,x={(-0.8cm,-0.4cm)},y={(0.8cm,-0.4cm)}, z={(0cm,1cm)}},points/.style={fill=white,draw=black,thick}}
\coordinate (Ocube) at (0,0,0);
\coordinate (Xcube) at (\ci,\si,0);
\coordinate (Ycube) at (-\si,\ci,0);
\coordinate (Zcube) at (0,0,1);
\coordinate (C0) at ($(Ocube)-(Xcube)-(Ycube)-(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (C1) at ($(Ocube)+(Xcube)-(Ycube)-(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (C2) at ($(Ocube)-(Xcube)+(Ycube)-(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (C3) at ($(Ocube)+(Xcube)+(Ycube)-(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (C4) at ($(Ocube)-(Xcube)-(Ycube)+(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (C5) at ($(Ocube)+(Xcube)-(Ycube)+(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (C6) at ($(Ocube)-(Xcube)+(Ycube)+(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (C7) at ($(Ocube)+(Xcube)+(Ycube)+(Zcube)$);
\fill[black!20, draw=black, dashed,opacity=0.3] (C0)--(C1)--(C3)--(C2)--cycle;
\fill[black!20, draw=black, dashed,opacity=0.3] (C0)--(C1)--(C5)--(C4)--cycle;
\fill[black!20, draw=black, dashed,opacity=0.3] (C0)--(C2)--(C6)--(C4)--cycle;
\fill[black!20, draw=black, thick,opacity=0.3] (C4)--(C5)--(C7)--(C6)--cycle;
\fill[black!20, draw=black, thick,opacity=0.3] (C2)--(C3)--(C7)--(C6)--cycle;
\fill[black!20, draw=black, thick,opacity=0.3] (C1)--(C3)--(C7)--(C5)--cycle;
\coordinate (Q0) at ($(Ocube)-.8*(Xcube)+(Ycube)-.8*(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (Q1) at ($(Ocube)+.8*(Xcube)+(Ycube)-.8*(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (Q2) at ($(Ocube)-.8*(Xcube)+(Ycube)+.8*(Zcube)$);
\coordinate (Q3) at ($(Ocube)+.8*(Xcube)+(Ycube)+.8*(Zcube)$);
\fill[white!20, draw=black, thick,opacity=0.3] (Q0)--(Q1)--(Q3)--(Q2)--cycle;
On the last line, rather then filling white a color (white!20), I would like to draw the image "face.png". This drawing must be distorded so to fit the face realisticaly.
Could someone help me doing that ?
, the required\usepackage
, and\end{document}
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