I use the following code to produce trees like the two left ones in the figure.
sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=bottom,where n children=0{tier=word}{}}},
background tree/.style={for tree={text opacity=0.2,draw opacity=0.2,edge={draw opacity=0.2}}}
sn edges
[NP [er\\he] ]
[Det [das\\the] ]
[N [Buch\\book] ]
[Det [der\\the] ]
[N [Frau\\woman] ]
[V [gibt\\gives] ]
I would want to decrease this distance so that it looks like the tree on the right (drawn with tikz-qtree
). Is there a way to do this (and set it as a default)?
l sep
for the tree?