LaTeX can be very confusing at first.
What do I need?
A decent editor can help ease the transition. Texmaker has wizards for inputting commonly needed elements like tables, figures and mathematic symbols. Autocomplete function is quite useful for learning.
If you are looking for something more basic, TeXworks comes bundled with MikTeX. Autocomplete is available as well with tab.
Where to start learning?
Take a look at the list of available online resources listed as an aswer to the LaTeX online resources question.
LaTeX wikibook has a very good balance between accessibility and usefulness.
What next?
When you encounter a specific need or a problem, feel free to ask a question here. Be sure to include a minimal working example. Also see how to write a MWE in more detail. Take a look at our faq for help in writing good questions.
Be sure to try and find the solution yourself at LaTeX wikibook first. You will be surprised how well its content matches the usual needs.
You might not get the entire solution, but be pointed to reading documentation for some package that will be useful for your need. LaTeX packages are usually well documented and will most likely have some samples for use included.