Since the historische-zeitschrift
style is quite old (it was updated in 2016 to deal with Biblatex 3.3 name formatting), I decided to try and recreate it. The base style I used is verbose-inote
The relevant lines for the seenote
parentheses are
\setunit*{\addspace}%<--- this line ...
\printtext[parens]{%<---- ... and this line
The name format is taken care of by (the answer has been edited to use the new name format, see the history for the old format)
test \ifuseeditor
not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
test \ifuseeditor
not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
Titles etc. are just plain text, no emphasis, quotation marks etzc.
Some fields are not to be displayed
(unit) separators
The position of date, location and publisher is adjusted
Series and number are to be displayed in parentheses at the end of an entry
Other editor formats for @in...
not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
Finally, the citation commands are patched to include use the proper author name format
author = {Percy Ernst Schramm},
title = {Hamburg, Deutschland und die Welt},
subtitle = {Leistungen und Grenzen hanseatischen Bürgertums in der Zeit zwischen Napoleon I. und Bismarck},
edition = {2},
location = {Hamburg},
publisher = {Hoffmann \& Campe},
date = {1952},
author = {Harold John Hanham},
title = {Elections and Party Management},
subtitle = {Politics in the Age of Disraeli and Gladstone},
location = {London},
date = {1959},
publisher = {Longman},
author = {David Blackbourn and Geoff Eley},
title = {Mythen deutscher Geschichtsschreibung},
subtitle = {Die gescheiterte bürgerliche Revolution von 1848},
location = {Frankfurt am Main and Berlin and Wien},
date = {1980},
publisher = {Ullstein},
author = {Heinrich Lutz},
title = {Reformation und Gegenreformation},
location = {Frankfurt am Main and Berlin and Wien},
date = {1982},
publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag},
edition = {2},
location = {München and Wien},
series = {Oldenbourg Grundriß der Geschichte},
number = {10},
pagetotal = {251},
author = {Wolfgang Zorn},
title = {Wirtschafts- und sozialgeschichtliche Zusammenhänge der deutschen Reichsgründung (1850–1879)},
journal = {HZ},
volume = {197},
date = {1963},
pages = {318–34},
editor = {Theodor Schieder},
title = {Beiträge zur britischen Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert},
location = {München},
date = {1983},
series = {Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte},
number = {8},
edition = {1},
author = {Peter Alter},
title = {Der britische Generalstreik von 1926 als politische Wende},
pages = {89–116},
crossref = {schieder},
author = {Hugo Lacher},
title = {Politischer Katholizismus und kleindeutsche Reichsgründung},
subtitle = {Eine Studie zur politischen Ideenwelt im deutschen Katholizismus},
location = {Mainz},
date = {1963},
test \ifuseeditor
not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
test \ifuseeditor
not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
Lorem\footcite{Lutz} ipsum\footcite{Lutz} dolor\footcite{zorn} sit\footcite{Lutz}.
Lorem\footcite{Lutz} ipsum\footcite[7]{Lutz} dolor\footcite[see][12]{zorn} sit\footcite[9]{Lutz}.
is quite an oldbiblatex
style (the current version 1.0 seem to date back to June 2012) and as such might have cause some problems; most notably, I'm not really happy with how some text in parentheses is handled (sometimes a spurious whitespace seems to sneak in).verbose-ibid
and customise that to your needs (that way it is guaranteed that your style works together well with the newest version ofbiblatex
, being a standard style it will also be easier to modify thanhistorische-zeitung
). You could ask a new question about that.