Consider, I've got a document I am asked to review in a way, that I add todonotes/marginnotes with comments.

Therefore the usual document margin might be to small. Is there a way to just add additional space for todonotes while keeping the documents layout unchanged? I know that there are ways of changing margins, page geometry etc. but is there a neat way, where I just would need to add one line of code in the header, to have wider margins during the reviewing process? That is also important since I do not always overlook all the layout settings the author has made to his tex document, so I am likely to change something when setting the wider margins by hand. Furthermore ideally I would like to not mess up with marginnotes.

So basically consider a layouted letter page document. I just want to add additional space, so have additional space on the right of the letter document.

Is there a neat way?

Here is a minimal working example:

% loads of unknown author specific packages, settings, layouting
This is some text to review.
\todo{This would be my comment on some extra wide margin just for todonotes.}

1 Answer 1


enter image description here

% loads of unknown author specific packages, settings, layouting

This is some text to review.
\todo{This would be my comment on some extra wide margin just for todonotes.}
  • Thanks. Should this work with scrartcl as well? Tried in another document as well but I get "you can not use \dimexpr ...". I still try to boil down this document to see where the problem occurs..
    – johanaLK
    Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 11:11
  • @johanaLK \dimexpr is really just fluff here, you could use textwidth=5cm or any other fixed length. Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 11:42
  • @johanaLK should work with anything, it just directly sets the width of the minipage used internally for the note. If you make it wider than \marginparwidth (as here) you get an overfull box warning but it's only a warning and turning it off would mean patching todonotes internals. Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 11:43
  • Thanks, that seems to somehow work. Nevertheless it just uses up all the space that is available but does not extend the pagewidth if needed.. So what I actually want is kind of "gluing some more paper next to the original document and write my notes on that extra sheet"..
    – johanaLK
    Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 12:55
  • @johanaLK OH OK you are not going to print this then (dynamically extending real paper is harder:-) Just set \pdfpagewidth to some arbitrary large amount, it won't affect latex at all but will change the clip area in your viewer Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 13:10

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