I'm trying to use XeLaTeX, imakeidx and xindy for a german book with multiple indexes. Based on an answer on this page, (which works) I tried to switch to xelatex and imakeidx. Calling
xelatex --shell-escape test.tex
on this file test.tex:
\makeindex[options=-M texindy -L german-duden -C utf8]
gives me the error message:
(require "tex/inputenc/utf8.xdy") ERROR: Could not find file "tex/inputenc/utf8.xdy" !
Leaving out xindy option "-C utf8" gives me an index with alll umlauts sorted under "O".
I just discovered that xindy does work when run separately, without being started from within xelatex per imakeidx, but from the command prompt:
$ xindy -M texindy -C utf8 -L german-duden test.idx
No nagging and no mention of "utf8.xdy" either.
\makeatletter \def\imki@progdefault{xindy} \makeatother
after loading imakeidx.\makeindex[program=xindy ...]
either. Thanks @Ulrike!truexindy
as soon as possible. But\makeindex[program=truexindy]
should work.\makeindex[program=truexindy]