I am trying to write a Preface with subsections, but without sectionnumbers (since the preface is technically not really part of the report). The sections and subsections are constructed using \titleformat like so:
However, \section* works fine and there is no number, but \subsection* are numbered as "0.0 subsectiontitle", but I don't want any numbering. Does anyone know why this happens and how to avoid it?
Working example:
% Style: Fonts
% Style: Colors
% Style: Sections
\def\Vhrulefill{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 0.7ex depth \dimexpr0.4pt
\section*{Section without a number}
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet pork loin leberkas turducken.
\subsection*{Subsection behaving oddly}
Beef pork belly porchetta turducken, bresaola venison boudin doner.
command in the fifth argument to\titleformat
instead of in the third.\colorstyle
and ending with\end{document}