I need to submit a report with two title pages - the first with paper title and authors, and the second with just the title, no author names. I used the titling package which lets me have two title pages, but the second title page is the same as the first. Is there a package or something that'll let me do what I need?


  • Welcome to TeX.SE! It would be helpful (and you will get more positive response) if you could include a minimum working example that shows what you have so far and illustrates your problem.
    – cslstr
    Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 16:56

3 Answers 3


You can set the two titles in two separate titlepages:

enter image description here


% First title page
  \vskip 60pt
  \LARGE This is the report title \par
  \vskip 3em
  \large Author A, Author B \par
  \vskip 1.5em

% Second title page
  \vskip 60pt
  \LARGE This is the report title \par
  \vskip 3em
  \large %Author A, Author B \par
  %\vskip 1.5em

\chapter{A chapter}

The above definitions (skips and font sizes) were taken partially from report.cls.

There's no need to specifically rely on \maketitle or what happens to the contents when using macros \title, \author and/or \date.


It's not really necessary you use any titling-package. Take a look on the manual (pdf) from the titlepages-package: There you can find a lot of examples for titlepages which are created as 'normal' text. You have to do it manually, but therefor you really get, what you want.

Margins you can adjust (if needed) with the geometry-package.


The \author command is reusable when you use the titling package, so you can write \author{} between the two title pages to clear the author field.

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