I am not a programmer so I may not use the proper terminology to express myself. Please correct me if need be.
I'm trying to draw a sinusoidal function and some arrows at specific points (positioned on the reference abscissa for the function) whose length is given by the value of the function at that point. At each point I would also draw a small circle to highlight the point itself.
Problem Statement
In order to implement that, I would like to use a \foreach
statement. However, if I draw the arrows at points in which the function has zero value, I still get an arrowhead -- just to be clear, I don't want that.
To avoid this, I tried to use the \ifthen
package, imposing something like
"if sin(x) is not 0, then draw the arrow..."
but in all cases draw the (filled) circle
but I'm getting an error.
Could someone help me?
What I have now:
\draw [thick,dashed] plot [domain=-2*pi:2*pi,samples=100] (\x,{sin(\x r)});
\foreach [evaluate={\y=\x*pi;\z=sin(\y r);}] \x in {-2,-1.5,...,2} {
\fill (\y,0) circle (1.5pt);
%\ifthenelse{\NOT \z=0}{\draw [->,thick] (\y,0) -- +({-sin(\y r)},0);}{};
\draw [->,thick] (\y,0) -- +({-sin(\y r)},0);
What I am trying to achieve:
\draw [thick,dashed] plot [domain=-2*pi:2*pi,samples=100] (\x,{sin(\x r)});
\foreach [evaluate={\y=\x*pi;}] \x in {-1.5,-0.5,...,1.5} {
\fill (\y,0) circle (1.5pt);
\draw [->,thick] (\y,0) -- +({-sin(\y r)},0);
\foreach [evaluate={\y=\x*pi;}] \x in {-2,...,2}
\fill (\y,0) circle (1.5pt);