enter image description here

For reasons, I need to move a tick label slightly to the right. Additionally I want to add an extra tick label at the zero of a function. However, the style chosen for the x label overwrites the style chosen for the extra tick label. Is this intended? I want the extra tick label to be directly below the tick

MWE( though I can't format it properly).

\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots}\begin{document}\begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis} [domain=0:1,
restrict y to domain= -1:1,
axis x line= middle, 
axis y line = left,
x tick label style={anchor=north west},
xlabel =$s$, 
extra x ticks={0.25},    
every extra x tick/.style={ anchor=center},
extra x tick label={$s_c$},
no markers,]\addplot (x,x-0.25);\end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}\end{document}

1 Answer 1


every x tick style is admittedly a little confusing since it is meant to be a generic key to access extra ticks AND tick labels as if you are defining a new axis. I don't know if this is the official point of view but following can say more than I can summarize

restrict y to domain= -1:1,
axis x line= middle, 
axis y line = left,
x tick label style={anchor=north west},
xlabel =$s$, 
extra x ticks={0.25},
extra x tick label={$s_c$},
extra x tick style={grid=major,xticklabel style={anchor=north,red}},
no markers,
]\addplot (x,x-0.25);

enter image description here

  • +1 extra x tick style={grid=major,xticklabel style={anchor=north,red}} saved my day! I did not think that xticklabel style is necesarry and only used extra x tick style={}. Commented Oct 2, 2017 at 12:27

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