Is there any command for inserting the Mathematica logo, in the same way Matlab's can be inserted with \Matlab
1 Answer
According to Wikipedia, the Wolfram Mathematica Logo is typeset using the Minion typeface. Hence you need the Minion font to typeset the logo without including an image.
Here is a version for pdflatex
\textcolor{Mathematica}{\minionup Wolfram}
{\minionit Mathematica}\textsuperscript{\resizebox{!}{0.4ex}{\textregistered}}%
\resizebox{!}{1.6ex}{\textcolor{Mathematica}{\minionup 9}}%
Foo \Mathematica\ Bar
And here a version for xelatex
\newcommand\Mathematica{{\fontspec[Numbers=OldStyle]{Minion Pro}%
Foo \Mathematica\ Bar
For reference, here a logo from the Wolfram homepgae