Below, how can I align the \tiny text in the \parbox at the end of the right column table so that its last line is on level with the last row of the left column table?

In general, it would not be a problem if the parbox was moved out of the right table. Edit: I would like to stick with a two-table solution, because otherwise the tex-source will get very confusing. The rows in both tables always have the same baseline, however.

enter image description here

Definition of & Definition & Definition and \\
Definition of & Definition & Definition and \\
Dynamic & Validation & Validation of \\
of & Definition & Definition and \\
Definition& Validation & Validation of \\
Definition of & Definition & Definition and \\
of Dynamic & Validation & Validation of \\
Dynamic & Validation & Validation of \\
market risk & found in funds \\
market options & found in changes of \\
market options & found in funds \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\parbox{4.5cm}{\tiny \spacing{0.8}
To compensate for that, add 5 the following that it cannot 
just use since they do not want the add they the following that 
it cannot find where they went \endspacing}}

1 Answer 1


Perhaps it is simpler to use a single tabular. And some \smash magic.

\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}@{}l@{}@{}l@{ }p{2cm}@{}p{2.5cm}@{}}
Definition of & Definition & Definition and & market risk & found in funds\\
Definition of & Definition & Definition and & market options & found in changes of \\
Dynamic & Validation & Validation of & market options & found in funds \\
of & Definition & Definition and & & \\
Definition& Validation & Validation of & & \\
Definition of & Definition & Definition and & & \\
of Dynamic & Validation & Validation of & & \\
Dynamic & Validation & Validation of &
To compensate for that, add 5 the following that it cannot 
just use since they do not want the add they the following that 
it cannot find where they went}}} \\

I just added an intercolumn space between the original left and right tables. Also I removed the \spacing and \endspacing commands which seem to cause the tiny text to shift a bit towards the bottom.

Or, with two tables as in your original code (but I think one should put some struts in the rows to be sure they will have the same height):

Definition of & Definition & Definition and \\
Definition of & Definition & Definition and \\
Dynamic & Validation & Validation of \\
of & Definition & Definition and \\
Definition& Validation & Validation of \\
Definition of & Definition & Definition and \\
of Dynamic & Validation & Validation of \\
Dynamic & Validation & Validation of \\
market risk & found in funds \\
market options & found in changes of \\
market options & found in funds \\
\\ \\ \\ 
To compensate for that, add 5 the following that it cannot 
just use since they do not want the add they the following that 
it cannot find where they went }}}
  • Thanks, but it will have to be in two tables because otherwise the tex-source will get very confusing (the original tables are longer and have more columns). Sorry for not being clear about this. Nice use of \smash, however, it does not seem to be entirely aligned (img812.imageshack.us/img812/7647/unledbz.png), or is this the best latex does with different font sizes?
    – u17
    Commented May 3, 2011 at 17:39
  • 1
    It seems that the \spacing macro is the cause for the slight misalignment at the bottom.
    – user4686
    Commented May 3, 2011 at 18:30
  • 1
    I have removed from my first answer an enclosing tabular which was left there only by misadvertance. And I then added the way closer to your original. Note that I added some \\ in the right table. Some \strut's should go in the lines, in general, I think, to get the rows to be of the same height.
    – user4686
    Commented May 3, 2011 at 18:40
  • Very helpful, greatly appreciated.
    – u17
    Commented May 3, 2011 at 23:12

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