In the following MWE, we can see that the notes in the margin are shifted downwards. If a few letters are removed, the margin is properly aligned with the text.

I prefer to use \myrightmargin instead of modifying the \marginpar command. I use \reversemarginpar (is it optimal ?) for I use the twoside option of the class article and for I want the notes to be always on the right !

How to glue the margin notes to the same line of the text ?

   \documentclass[twoside, a4paper, 11pt]{article}






\section{first section}
the margin

random text to get closer to the right margin;random text to get closer too.
the margin

random text to get closer to the right margin;random text to get closer too.
\myrightmargin{my second margin}


Well my first margin note with $..$ is on the left; I do not see why.

1 Answer 1


You introduced a lot of white space from ends of lines, both in the document before your marginpar commands and within the command definition.

 \documentclass[twoside, a4paper, 11pt]{article}






\section{first section}

random text to get closer to the right margin;random text to get closer too.%
the margin%

random text to get closer to the right margin;random text to get closer too.%
\myrightmargin{my second margin}

  • Indeed ! So is possible to put \myrightmargin{my second margin} on a newline and still not introducing the spaces ?
    – user50260
    Apr 23, 2014 at 1:04
  • I place \removelastskip just before \marginpar{...} in my command. It seems to work.
    – user50260
    Apr 23, 2014 at 5:46
  • @Phillip You can use a % as in my edit. Remember TeX is primarily optimised for text and a newline is treated as a space and spaces are not ignored: they typeset spaces between words. I think it is much clearer and robust to not add a space rather than explicitly add a space and then remove it. Apr 23, 2014 at 8:44
  • After some tests, \unskip and \removelastskip do work but not for lists ! I have a configuration where there is a display [ ] in the last item of a list and the list itself reaches the bottom of the page. In this case, the margin note goes to the next page !
    – user50260
    Apr 25, 2014 at 6:20

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