I am using BibLaTeX, and I need to cite a source by its headings, not by its page numbers. Is there any way to force BibLaTeX to use ibid when the title and location are the same?
Note: questions Biblatex: tricks with repeated citations in footnotes and Ibid for citations with same title and page do not address this issue. I specifically need to cite using something other than the simple page number.
As far as I can see, I have used the correct package options (e.g., ibidpage=true
). Here is the minimum working example:
title = {Summa theologiae},
author = {{Thomas Aquinas}},
Here is some reference.\footcite[2]{a}
Here is some reference.\footcite[2]{a}
Here is some reference.\footcite[I, q.~1, a.~4]{a}
Here is some reference.\footcite[I, q.~1, a.~4]{a}
The footnotes I get for the first two, which use a standard page number are
1 Thomas Aquinas. Summa theologiae, p. 2.
2 Ibid.
as expected. However, the other two, which uses the headings, produces
3 Ibid., I, q. 1, a. 4.
4 Ibid., I, q. 1, a. 4.
The desired output for the fourth footnote is simply
4 Ibid.
Can this be done?
. Theibidpage
option implicitly setsloccittracker=constrict
. See pp. 55 sq. of thebiblatex
documentation, theconstrict
explanation states "In addition to that, this mode also checks if thepostnote
argument is numerical [...]."