My problem is that there exists an overlap between the symbol to introduce and the section title; it is manifest with two \heartsuit
%\renewcommand{\cftsecpresnum}{SOMETHING }
%\renewcommand{\cftsecpresnum}{SOMETHING }
% \newlength{\mylen} % a "scratch" length
% \settowidth{\mylen}{\bfseries\cftsecpresnum\cftsecaftersnum} % extra space
% \addtolength{\cftsecnumwidth}{\mylen} % add the extra space
The modifying commands come straight from the manual of tocloft
My goal is to have {the section number}\heartsuit{the section title}
with no space in-between the characters.
I think the solution is to make the section numbers ragged on the right, just like all the page numbers are.
The package does not seem to offer a manner to control the box controlling the section number. Is this possible with titletoc
? (its readme is very succinct and I do not understand half of what is written)
@Werner: I have a snag with the code. I want to use the same pattern for the subsections and subsubsections as the one of the sections. So I use
\renewcommand{\numberline}[1]{\makebox[\@tempdima][r]{\@cftbsnum #1\@cftasnum}\@cftasnumb}
but the beginnings of the subsections and subsubsections is not adequate: (I use roman numbers for my sections and sub(sub)sections) Ideally, the number subsection (and subsubsection) must be aglin with the first letter of the sections it belongs to
But it is not the case with the above code.