My goal is to visualize damped magnetic precession.
Wikipedia features an image, but it doesn't quite capture one essential constraint. Namely, that the magnetization M should be normalized. So the curve shown in the following picture should lie on the sphere.
So what I want to show is:
- The vectors M and H_eff with M on the sphere.
- A spiral lying on a sphere.
- -M x H_eff being orthogonal to M and H_eff
- M x dM/dt pointing towards H_eff (This is not exactly correct, but rather an approximation).
The tangent of the spiral at the endpoint of M should be a linear combination of MxdM/dt and -MxH_eff (to be more exact: alpha MxdM/dt - MxH_eff for some positive alpha), so the picture on Wikipedia looks fine concerning this requirement.
I have found a similar picture in the following answer:
How can this be achieved with any of the modern plotting tools for LaTeX?
Edit: As Christian pointed out one could start by generating the spiral via projection of a flat spiral. This is my first try using pgfplots.
axis equal,
axis lines = none,
xlabel = {$x$},
ylabel = {$y$},
zlabel = {$z$},
enlargelimits = 0.5,
opacity = 0.2,
z buffer = sort,
samples = 21,
variable = \u,
variable y = \v,
domain = 0:180,
y domain = 0:360,
({cos(u)*sin(v)}, {sin(u)*sin(v)}, {cos(v)});
\addplot3+[color=blue,domain=0:4*pi, samples=100, samples y=0,no marks, smooth](