I worked on Mark's solution to make it look more similar to the original picture.
\tikzfading[name=fade out,
inner color=transparent!0, outer color=transparent!100]
\def\xandy{2 and 2/\factor}
pics/.cd, %
disc/.style ={
code = {
%% the foundation
\path [fill=black!15] (-\xradius,0) -- (-\xradius,-\height) arc
(180:360:\xandy) -- (\xradius,0) arc (0:180:\xandy);%
\path [top color=black!25, bottom color=white, opacity=0.2] (0,0) ellipse
[x radius=\xradius, y radius =\yradius];%
\path [left color=black!25, right color=black!15] (-\xradius,0) --
(-\xradius,-\height) arc (180:240:\xandy) -- +(0,\height) arc
\path [left color=black!15, right color=black!30] (\xradius,0) --
(\xradius,-\height) arc (360:320:\xandy) -- +(0,\height) arc
%% rays in front
\foreach \col/\r/\shift/\stop/\opacity in {%
black/205/25/20/100, %
black/295/35/30/100, %
black/295/30/30/200, %
black/295/25/20/300, %
white/245/14/14/100, %
white/245/12/12/20, %
white/245/10/10/10} {%
\foreach \i [evaluate={\opposite=\r-180;}] in {0,1,...,\stop}{%
\fill [\col, fill opacity = 1/\opacity] (\opposite:0.1 and
0.1/\factor) -- (\r+\shift-\i:\xandy) -- ++(0,-\height) arc
(\r+\shift-\i:\r-\shift+\i:\xandy) -- +(0,\height) -- cycle; }}
%% rays in back
\foreach \r/\shift/\stop/\opacity in {%
25/25/20/100, %
115/30/23/100} {%
\foreach \i [evaluate={\opposite=\r-180;}] in {0,1,...,\stop}{%
\fill [black, fill opacity = 1/\opacity] (\opposite:0.1 and 0.1/\factor) --
(\r+\shift-\i:\xandy) arc (\r+\shift-\i:\r-\shift+\i:\xandy) --
cycle; }}
%% masking the four edges in the center
\foreach \i in {0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.4}%
\fill[black!15, opacity=0.7, path fading=fade out]
(0,0) ellipse[x radius=\i, y radius =\i/\factor];
%% the light and the dark arcs
\foreach \i [evaluate={\start=185+10*\i; \finish=355-10*\i;}]%
in {0.1, 0.2, ..., 1.5}{%
\draw[white, opacity=0.04, line width=\i, yshift=0.02cm]
(\start:\xandy) arc (\start:\finish:\xandy);
\draw[black!80, opacity=0.05, line width=\i, yshift=-\height]
(\start:\xandy) arc (\start:\finish:\xandy); }
disc bottom/.style = {
code = {
\foreach \i/\opacity in {%
\fill [black, fill opacity = 1/\opacity, yshift=-0.03cm] (0,-\height)
ellipse [x radius = \xradius+\i/40, y radius = \yradius+\i/20/\factor];
\path pic {disc};
disc top/.style = {
code = {
\foreach \i/\opacity in {%
2/60, 3/55, 4/50,5/40, 6/35, 7/30, 8/20, 9/20, 10/20, 11/20, 12/20,
13/20, 14/20, 15/20, 16/20, 17/20, 18/20, 19/20, 20/20, 21/20, 22/20,
23/20, 24/20, 25/20, 26/20}%
\fill [black, fill opacity = 1/\opacity, yshift=-0.35cm] (0,-\height)
ellipse [x radius = \xradius-\i/40, y radius = \yradius-\i/20/\factor];
\path pic {disc};
\path (0,0) pic {disc bottom} (0,1.4) pic {disc top} (0,2.8) pic {disc top};
UPDATE: the dimensions are parametrizable. But you might need to shift the discs and the shadow below accordingly.
—no need for TikZ. I would recommend you convert whatever you have to PDF first, just for ease of use.