I am using the following MWE. First time with unicode-math
, second time without it:
% arara: lualatex
$\tilde\Box \hat\Box \bar\Box$
Where does the difference come from? The kerning is clearly broken.
amssymb.sty 2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS font symbols
unicode-math.sty 2013/05/21 v0.7e Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
Barbara Beeton suggested to try the package latexsym
instead of amssymb
. This results in worse vertical positioning and the very same effect for I/O unicode-math
% arara: lualatex
$\tilde\Box \hat\Box \bar\Box$
also defines\Box
. what happens when you use that one instead ofamssymb