I have genuinely been searching for about 20-30 minutes with no luck to achieving what I want. It's very simple.

I'm using article class, and I want to it so that the title of my appendix goes

Appendix A: {Insert Title}

Right now I'm using


 <main body of text>

 \section{Magnetic flux tubes}
 Bunch of text

But I keep getting as my appendix title.

A. Magnetic flux tubes.

How do I get it to say Appendix A: Magnetic flux tubes.

Also ideally I would like to alter the size of the appendix title.

EDIT: My problems is that I have this in my file preamble


\titleformat{\section}{\bf}{\thesection .}{0.5em}{}
\titleformat{\subsection}{\normalfont \it}{\thesubsection .}{0.5em}{}
\titleformat{\subsubsection}{\normalfont \it}{\thesubsubsection .}{0.6em}{}

I'm using this to get the document titles to look how I want, but unfortunately these new commands feed over to the appendix section. Is there anyway to undo the titleformat just for the appendices?

  • See edit on OP, kinda figured out what's wrong.
    – user51316
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 14:51
  • Please see my answer below. Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:05

2 Answers 2


You can use \titleformat again just before the appendices to give the desired formatting:




\section{A regular section}

\titleformat{\section}{\large\bfseries}{\appendixname~\thesection .}{0.5em}{}
\section{Magnetic flux tubes}
Bunch of text


enter image description here

To recover the original formatting for sections, but adding the word "Appendix" and the dot after the number you'll need


Two letter font commands (\it, \bf and similar) are old TeX commands which shouldn't be used anymore in modern LaTeX documents; use \itshape, \bfseries instead.


I think this should do the trick. My master code looks like this:





\renewcommand{\chaptername}{Appendix} % To change title from chapter to Appendix
\renewcommand{\thepage}{\thechapter.\arabic{page}}  % This to change the page numebering format for the Appendices



I use \include{} to call the individual .tex files for my chapters and Appendices. I prefer this because it makes my main code look much more tidy. Here I have called 4 .tex files - introduction, theory, FluxCalc (Appendix A in this case) and ForceFieldCalc (Appendix B in this case). The output pdf has for pages as shown in the figure below.





  • this example uses the report document class. the original says that article is used. there are significant differences between the two classes, and this substitution may not be appropriate. Commented May 8, 2014 at 13:11
  • Yes indeed it cannot be used. I am sorry about that. Thank you for pointing it out. Commented May 8, 2014 at 13:16

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