I am using pnas2009.bst for my bibliography which I am very happy with but I wish to make a few modifications:
- I wish that publications with large author lists (say greater than or equal to eight) to be condensed to the first six authors then three ellipses (full stops/periods), and then the last author's name. I know there is a few questions answered on condensing the author lists of citations but the code of a .bst file is so confusing that I think that given this example is different it is worth demonstrating how it works in this case.
- Book chapter titles are currently currently not printed, they need to be.
- Webpages do not have their urls after them, they should preceded by "url:"
- I would like dois to be included at the end of each citation preceded by "doi"
Here is an example:
gives a bibliography that looks like this:
[1] Young, N. D, Debelle, F, Oldroyd, G. E. D, Geurts, R, Cannon, S. B,
[MANY MANY MANY AUTHORS] (2011) The Medicago genome provides insight into the evolution of rhizobial symbioses. *Nature* 480, 520–4.
[2] Alamancos, G. P, Agirre, E, & Eyras, E. (2014) in *Spliceosomal Pre-mRNA
Splicing Methods Protoc.*, ed. Hertel, K. J. (Humana Press) Vol. 1126, pp.
[3] Rohatgi, A. (2013) WebPlotDigitizer.
but i want it to look like this:
[1] Young, N. D, Debell ́e, F, Oldroyd, G. E. D, Geurts, R, Cannon, S. B, Udvardi, M. K ... Roe, B. A. (2011) The Medicago genome provides insight into the evolution of rhizobial symbioses. *Nature* 480, 520–4. doi: 10.1038/nature10625
[2] Alamancos, G. P, Agirre, E, & Eyras, E. (2014) Methods to study splicing from high-throughput RNA sequencing data, in *Spliceosomal Pre-mRNA
Splicing Methods Protoc.*, ed. Hertel, K. J. (Humana Press) Vol. 1126, pp.
[3] Rohatgi, A. (2013) WebPlotDigitizer. url: http://arohatgi.info
Anyone able to help?