I use the Acronym
package. In the printed list of acronym (usually put at the beginning of the document) there is the short version of the acronym (in bold
font) and after the full name of the acronym (in normal font).
I want to change the color of the short version of each acronym to blue
(for example) and keep the color of the full name of the acronym in black.
How to do it ?
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue]{hyperref}
\title{My Thesis Document}
\section*{List of Acronyms}
\begin{acronym} \renewcommand{\\}{}
\acro{TTC}{Tunisian Tourism Company} % <---- Make TTC in blue for example
\acro{CBT}{Central Bank of Tunisia}
% etc
\section{First Section}
Text about the \ac{TTC}, etc
\section{Second Section}
Text about the \ac{CBT}, etc